Concrete measures in the area of Industry 4.0

Most large corporations are currently actively implementing concrete individual measures on the subject of digitalization, while medium-sized and small enterprises still have some catching up to do in terms of understanding and setting targets for Industry 4.0. The time is right to deal with the topic more intensively, as the hype of the early years is now being followed by concrete implementation possibilities on the one hand, and it is still possible to catch up with the pioneers on the other.

Find out in our white waper, how io deals with the area of "Smart Production" and thus Industry 4.0 in the narrower sense. The described procedure for the creation of a roadmap aims at a holistic view of existing concepts within production. It is not a matter of selectively optimizing individual areas, but of creating a networked system of solutions by taking all potentials into account, ideally based on a uniform infrastructure.

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What new possibilities does digitalization offer and how will the relevant fields of action and options be made transparent by an Industry 4.0 Roadmap?