io gives the greatest gift of all at Christmas: the gift of joy

io has been running a Christmas gift campaign in cooperation with the Luise Scheppler-Heim, a youth welfare home in Heidelberg, since 2016. Every year, our employees make a Christmas wish come true for each of the residents. 

The children and young people living there – or the caregivers in the case of younger residents – write their wish lists, which are then hung on the Christmas tree at our Heidelberg site. All our employees are invited to help make these wishes come true every year. 

As well as this, our management makes an additional financial donation to make it possible for the home to go on a trip or take part in a range of activities offered by other organizations. 

Weihnachtsbaum mit Geschenkwünschen vom Luise-Scheppler-Heim

The wish lists will be hung on our Christmas tree at the Heidelberg site.

Luise Scheppler-Heim

The Luise Scheppler-Heim is a youth welfare facility which provides services in line with the Child and Youth Welfare Act (KJHG). It is run by Luise Scheppler-Heim e.V, a member association of the Diakonisches Werk social welfare organization. The facility was founded in 1924 by the youth welfare office of the Mannheim parish.  

The home offers a special form of family support with its various types of accommodation. The aim is to provide a respite solution to take some of the burden off families by temporarily caring for the children/young persons.