As a result of its steady growth, Rasting is working with io to plan a new building to produce its meat and sausage range, as well as other ready meals and delicatessen products.
Rasting and io carried out initial preliminary planning and site evaluation studies back in 2017. After the decision was made to build a new building in Meckenheim, a team from factory design, TBE, architecture and project management began working with Rasting to develop the concept from the initial ideas through to a complete design. The planning team’s resulting design meets Rasting’s high flexibility and hygiene standards in production. At the same time, a separate technical level was offered to meet their desire for self-sufficient TBE.
io is also supporting Rasting in coordinating the urban land use planning procedures, running parallel to the planning process, and supervising the necessary German Law on Emission Control (BImSchG) requirements. In addition to the approval process, io has been commissioned to carry out further tendering, awarding and implementation support.
Fleischhof Rasting GmbH is a subsidiary of EDEKA Rhein-Ruhr Stiftung and operates plants in Essen and Meckenheim with a total workforce of around 1,000. As a result of its steady growth, Rasting is working with io to plan a new building to produce its meat and sausage range, as well as other ready meals and delicatessen products. The land earmarked for the new building is next to the existing plant in Meckenheim.
The challenge
Future-proof systems and facilities provide manufacturing companies and retailers in the food industry the efficiency, flexibility and safety they need.
Successful production thrives on efficient processes. Being future-proof is the key success factor.
Future-proof systems and facilities provide manufacturing companies and retailers in the food industry the efficiency, flexibility and safety they need.
Successful production thrives on efficient processes. Being future-proof is the key success factor.